The ultimate journey of self-empowerment! Takes your client from “victim mode” to fully empowered, and from fragmented or “not completely here” to whole again!
Soul Retrieval therapy goes beyond hypnotherapy to reach the parts other therapies don’t. It’s the perfect therapy for survivors of sexual abuse, and it's great for therapists too as client and facilitator now have a far more powerful and comfortable alternative to emotion-shredding trauma runs, regressions and revivifications!
As this will be an extremely practical workshop there are just 10 places available. (June 19th Update: 4 spaces available, early booking recommended).
Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th August 2018 - 10.00am – 5.30pm both days
Day One - History & Theory, Applications, Session Notes & Demo
Day Two - You will be a Facilitator and a Client
Goes beyond Hypnotherapy!
Soul Retrieval therapy reaches the parts other therapies don’t!
It’s the perfect therapy for survivors of sexual abuse
NO MORE emotion-shredding trauma runs, regressions and revivifications!
Extremely Practical Workshop therefore just 10 places available
Only £247 to attend
Academy of Holistic Hypnotherapy
The Greenhouse
Manchester M50 2EQ
With its roots in Shamanism, Soul Retrieval is a leading edge therapy that takes clients into a dimension beyond the realms of space and time where a deeply effective and lasting healing takes place. Unlike other traditional methods of Shamanic Soul Retrievals, your role is to facilitate – it’s your client, not you, that goes on the journey to reclaim all her/his fragments - it is literally their Journey of Self-Empowerment!
Whether or not you believe in the existence of Spirit Guides or Helpers, your willingness to facilitate your client's entry into this other dimension will result in intensely powerful and truly uplifting experiences as each dissociated "fragment" of their psyche that has flipped out due to rape, abuse or trauma is located, welcomed, healed and reintegrated. With support from Spirit Guide and Power Animal, each fragment is free to discharge previously suppressed emotions such as indignation, anger or rage to any perpetrators before returning home and being wholly reintegrated. And so your client experiences emotional release, resolution and empowerment! It's a healing that takes place at the deepest and most energetic soul level.
From the Client's perspective, traditional methods of regression mean that the client is so often reliving the trauma fully in the victim role! In contrast, and especially for survivors of sexual abuse, Soul Retrieval therapy is a dare I say magical way of being taken by a powerful and protective Spirit Guide into another reality where they themselves are in a position of power! Accompanied by this powerful guide and a Spirit Helper, they visit and go through the event. Expression of emotions associated with the circumstances that led to fragmentation is encouraged before each now satisfied "lost" and missing part returns Home to re-establish the client's power so that she/he is now able to move forward in her/his life truly “whole” again!
Workshop participants ideally should have at least 6 months' experience of working with clients as a practising therapist, preferably including regression work, in order to fully appreciate the distinct advantages to your client and to yourself of utilising this therapy, OR to have already trained with Costa in Past Life therapy. If you’ve already trained in Soul Retrieval with Costa and would like a refresher and to receive the most up to date and colour coded 2018 Soul Retrieval Session Notes, then you can attend at half-price, £123.50, space permitting.
The training venue is
The Greenhouse
Salford, Manchester
M50 2EQ
Contact AHH Principal Costa Lambrias for more information on: or call 0161 860 4797